No one is trustworthy. Even a small child will not hesitate to attack you from behind. The amount of times I got shot in the butt is beyond count. Single barrel, double barrel, pump action, shield guards and full on buckets regulate the city. You cannot escape, the second you step out of your door, you will be rushed. I made it half a block, once, before I was surrounded and drenched from head to my squeaky flip flops. Songkran is the celebration of the Thai New Year and one immensely good time.
The real reason for celebration:
Songkran is the traditional New Year's Day, celebrated from April 13th-15th because it coincides with many other South and Southeast Asian calendars. Originally, the date changed every year with the stars, but has now been set at the end of the dry season - the hottest time of the year.
Along with Western traditions, New Years is a time for family, friends and renewal. I learned the hard way that buses and trains can be booked full for the entire week with people returning to their towns and villages to visit family. Some Thais make resolutions, some "spring clean," but most take time to pay respect to Buddha and others by sprinkling water (sometimes mixed with Thai fragrance) as a sign of "washing all the bad away." Which is seen as a way to bring good luck and prosperity for the New Year. (more on traditions, with a later update)
The more dangerous side of Songkran:

The worst issue is traffic accidents. sends out Travel Alerts when there is a state of emergency happening in the world. When a government is overrun, a tsunami is going to destroy a town, and when there are so many traffic accidents that there is a warning for "Songkran road conditions." Even a close friend of mine crashed on her scooter when she got a bucket full of water to the face, while driving down the highway (She is OK thanks to her commando roll instincts)
During the event, I mounted my GoPro camera to the side of my water gun. I'm currently in the process of editing my experience over the week into a short video. I will update this post with a link and more info when it is finished. Until then, feel free to sign up for my newsletter at: