Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A new art show

I'm currently up in an amazing restaurant/gallery in Long Beach. Sipology Red, like Sipology on Temple and downtown, focuses on high-end art with high-end product and has all the flavor of Long Beach's art district.

On the corner of Orange and Wardlow, the reception takes place on November 20th from 7:00-10:00PM

here's the link to the event:

The show itself is up now, until the first week of December. I have my favorite piece in there, at 60x40, you can't miss it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Congregation Ale House Grand Opening

I came back to shoot the grand opening for Congregation, and my love of shooting the place just grew stronger. Here are some favorites. You can see the rest on my Facebook page

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Congregation Ale House

The lighting and energy from this place is like a gift from God (pun intended). I was there to capture their test opening, first patrons and first dollar made, and stayed to enjoy some of the best brews in the world. Throughout the whole day/evening/night, the light was constantly happy and enjoyed working with me.

keep an eye out for the next batch of images, coming after I shoot their grand opening this Sunday.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Our garden pest/ new infatuation

Most caterpillars have tubular, segmented bodies. They have three pairs of true legs on the three thoracic segments, up to four pairs of prolegs on the middle segments of the abdomen, and often a single pair of prolegs on the last abdominal segment. There are ten abdominal segments. The families of lepidoptera differ in the numbers and positioning of the prolegs.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photo/Video Art...amazing

This video by Blu is really an amazing work of art. Several months to produce with just stop-animation by snapshots and LOTS of creativity.

Big Bang Big Boom

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Through the Sequoias

It’s the writings in the north and the swing of the wind.
Mountain tops and ice cream shops will always bring Zen.
The body is a shell, but whole and the same.
Mind cannot be blown with a shell of hell to gain.
Back and forth the energies combine.
The bond is greatest from inside.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jalama Beach camping

In a last minute ditch effort to escape L.A. and enjoy some fresh air, a few friends ( and I headed out to Jalama Beach. Waves, sun and music were a constant throughout our visit to the beautiful central coast.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Site Updates

Well it's about time!

I launched my new Commercial site and my Facebook Page this week,

along with updating and refining my Fine Art site.

With the layouts tweaked for both, I'll be running through my archives and uploading more photos very soon. keep an eye out

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bonfire BBQ

Playing with the eerie glow of light while trying out our bonfire at the new place.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cristina's Graduation

During a transition time of my own, I'm accompanied by the many who just graduated college and now have that overwhelming since of, "what now?"

Quitting a job that pulled me away from photography, I've finally set my feet in front of one another to follow what I've set my heart on: construction of imagery.

Here are some shots from Cristina's Graduation